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Schedule and Pricing

Session 1: September 9, 2024 – October 28, 2024 (8 weeks)

Program A: Adventure of Captain Energy Pants

Meets Mondays and Wednesdays – $480 

This program focuses on the study of energy and how collectively we can be more sustainable. Energy transfer is a complex phenomenon, so of course we want to learn more about it! In this program participants will learn about the forms of energy, transferring energy, and three forms of renewable resources that generate energy. Activities include making and testing a paddle boat to see how potential energy is turned into mechanical energy, designing a card circuit to see how electrical energy is turned into light, and so much more! The goal is to be Mission Renewable!

Program B: Hitting the Funny Bone

Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays – $480

Biomedical Engineering deals with the application of engineering principles, biology and design concepts to develop technologies and solutions for health care. We are now starting to close the gap between engineering and life sciences. Students will explore the skeletal system of the human body, and while learning about bone functions, joints and fractures, students will design their very own Franken-STEM Monster.  Each class students will add more body parts to their monster, and will present their completed Franken-STEM bodies to the parents They will do all of this with the help of the Engineering Design Process.

** Sign up for both Program A and B in Session 1 for $900.

Session 2: November 4, 2024 to December 20, 2024 (6 weeks)

Program A: Entrepreneurship

Meets Mondays and Wednesdays (No class Thanksgiving week) – $360

In this program our goal is to inspire the next generation of STEM-preneurs! Students will be introduced to the study of product creation and business. Participants will channel their inner innovation skills and work to solve an engineering or entertainment problem, build its prototype, and explore ways to market their product. Students will dive into activities that include making their own ads and logos, “purchasing” their own materials for their product creation, and then presenting their product to an audience.

Program B: Motion Commotion

Meets Tuesdays and Thursdays (No class Thanksgiving week) – $360

Do you ever wonder how machines are designed and produced? With Motion Commotion you will dive into everything mechanical. This program will take students into the land of moving things. Children will collaborate, communicate, create, and use critical thinking to discover the science of forces and motion. With the help of Newton’s three laws of motion, participants will engage in activities that include designing and building a car, creating a stomp rocket to explore the power of force, and create a project (children’s book, animation, movie) that will be able to explain the laws of motion to a 3 year-old.

** Sign up for both Program A and B in Session 2 for $660.